GoRemote Recordr

Video feedback made easy

Following on from our work on the Checkr app, we had the opportunity to work with GoRemote again on a similar project aimed at making short-form video feedback easily accessible.

Primarily aimed at events and education, the app invites participants to give feedback and record short videos in response to questions. The content and interface are both highly customisable, allowing the app to be branded and the information collected to be bespoke to the particular use case, be that research, generating video content for social media, etc.

Building on what we learned about capturing video from developing the Checkr app, we worked with GoRemote to ensure that Recordr works intuitively on all sorts of devices, including building a different recording interface for phone users.

One of the most interesting parts of this project was implementing the customisation functionality, making it as flexible as possible both in terms of design and the data and video content collected, to make it suitable for a wide variety of applications.

If you’re interested in trying out Recordr yourself you can set up a free trial.

Can we help?

It's all very well showing you someone else's project, but we'd love to hear about yours.

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